Tuesday, August 6, 2013


Here are very few Halloween decorations I have made. I will try to post most later when Halloween draws near & I take them out of storage.

These were so much fun. I made these about 4 years ago with my husband & daughters. I used my daughter!a favorite angry birds & painted the likeness of them onto a pumpkin. Not bad for free hand. 

These were fun as well. I took some mason jars I had lying around, orange & black tissue paper, green paint & mod podge. I tore the orange tissue paper & cut out the black tissue paper. Put mod podge on the jar then place the orange tissue paper on top of it over lapping some. Let dry them mod podge the black pieces if tissue paper, let completely dry. Paint top of jar with green paint. lastly, mod podge all over the outside of jar & tissue paper. Let dry. I added orange lights for a more dramatic effect. 

More to come later.